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Honey Pot by Rose

Aug 20, 2020

“Figure out your morals and values and ask yourself if you are living in alignment with them. Because if you know what matters to you, it makes making each decision really easy and clear. Whose morals and values are you living by? Are they yours?"

This is Kristen Joy, wellness and meditation coach and founder of...

Jul 13, 2020

Listen along as Larissa May - mental health advocate and founder of #HalfTheStory - explains how she does it all. She currently runs a globally recognized non-profit, plays a pivotal role at another company, is an active dog-mom and partner, all while keeping two feet on the ground. Larz reminds us how important it is...

Jun 30, 2020

In today’s episode, I spoke with author, comic storyteller, and sexpert, Cindy Pierce, about all things sex. Specifically, Cindy and I dive into the repercussions of pornography on today’s youth and how the ways in which we teach, enjoy, and think about sex have been forever altered as a result of porn. In addition,...

Jun 26, 2020

In today's episode, I talk to Anne Bingham - OB/GYN and lifestyle medicine certified - about all things lifestyle medicine and how the ways in which we fuel, move, and rest impacts female reproductive health. In addition, we discuss growing trends in feminine care, and most importantly, how knowing and understanding...

Jun 7, 2020

This is Honey Pot, a show that features leaders, disruptors, and game-changers who have become masters in their fields by investigating wellness from the inside out. They’ve rejected the tired tropes and trends of wellness as we know it in favor of something more sustainable. From founders to authors to doctors to...